
Sunday, April 22, 2012

Earth Day - Without Art, it's EH!

In honor of Earth Day, I scrounged around a bit to see what creative ideas were out there.  Here's what I found, enjoy!

From The Lovely Dept., a beautiful watercolor illustration she did - hop over and you can down load it!

How about some yummy marshmallow pops?  Find out how at the Decorated Cookie!

I LOVE Modern Parents, Messy Kids!  Its such a fun website!  Here are some printables for recycling.

Planet Blue has some wonderful ideas and this perfect picture for Earth Day:

**I know... it wouldn't rotate very well in that shape, but it's soooo cool!

Let's wrap it up with an Earth Day party... notes for next year or ideas you can use today?  Worth a look!  Tip Junkie is a "go to" site for all things fun!

I hope your Sunday/Earth Day/What-ever-day-you-read-this-day is wonderful!

Chat soon,

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