
Thursday, April 5, 2012

.16 Cent Coasters, Part II

Good morning, all!

I went back to the tile coaster project, basically so I could put things away once I "finished" what I was trying to do!  I did a bit of experimenting with materials: paper, vellum and fabric.

Here is what we started out with:

My first experiment was using a piece of fabric, ribbons and vellum.

I Mod-Podged the tile and glued the fabric down, cut the trim and then added that piece of ribbon to the edge.

Next, Mod-Podge over the whole piece.

It was time to give the vellum a try.  At first, is was all good - "Whoo hoo!  It's working!"  Then, I noticed that the vellum seemed to be curling up on the edges and suddenly the whole thing was a big wrinkle!!

It took some squeegying (spelling?) with a credit card to smooth it a bit...

"Okay, so how about paper on fabric?" I thought.  Went a bit better.  Same process, Mod-Podge on tile and stick down fabric.

As I had done previously, add the saying on paper and Mod-Podge over the whole thing!  Muhahaha!  Sticky-time, baby!

I tried a different vellum from "Quote Stacks" to see if it might make a difference....

It didn't.  

This time, I lifted the vellum and used my fingers to smooth it out.  THAT was sticky, just let me say!  :o)

Here's the "finished" tiles, just waiting to decide about what to put on top... perhaps polyurethane?  We'll see.

On to the next project! 

Enjoy the day,

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