
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Re-Useable Sandwich Bags - AKA: "What is that thing?"

Good morning, All!

I am forcing myself to post not only the things that come out well, but the "others" - AKA: "What is that thing?" It's about process, right? We are all non-judgmental here, right?

Okay, PHEW!!!

Here's how it started: I saw all sorts of folks making re-useable sandwich and snack bags. I've done the snack ones before so it was time to step out there and try a bit of a challenge. Thus, my attempts at sandwich "bags."

**Let me start by saying that you should probably visit this website.  Chica does a GREAT job of explaining how to do this properly!!

You will need a number of those wimpy plastic bags you get at the store, some lovely fabric, your iron (and a nice day), sew-on velcro and patience!

Here's what I did:
1.  As she recommended, I played around with different amounts of the plastic bags.  You need to cut away the writing and extra handles to have a good piece of plastic to work with.

2.  I was planning on working in my regular studio space, which lacks good ventilation and as I was ironing plastic, I took Chica's recommendation and headed outside.  That was a great idea EXCEPT that there was a slight breeze... light weight plastic... you get the vision, right?  It worked out well in the end.
     You need to experiment with how many plastic bags you need to layer and iron together to get a result you are pleased with.  It all depends on the quality of your bags, heat of iron, etc.  I found 2 bags (4 layers) not enough and 3 bags (6 layers) pretty good.
      You fold the bags and put a piece of cardstock (or heavy weight paper in my case) over the plastic and iron away!

This was too few.

3.  Once you have figured out how many to do and get them ironed out, you'll need to trim them to the size you want.

4.  Next, it's time for fabric.  I liked using fabric about 1"- 3/4" larger (on each edge).

5.  Fold the edges over and then over again, pin and sew down.

6.  You'll notice that this first one is a rectangle - a sandwich "purse" if you will.  Did you take geometry in high school?  I did - didn't do very well as far as shapes, I guess because a rectangle IS NOT necessarily a square and when it isn't one, it's a bit hard to make one out of it.  So.... the sandwich pocket was born!
     When I went to add the velcro, I realized that one can not put fasteners on each corner of a rectangle... well, you can, but it won't close!  So, I sewed it up, left a flap and put velcro on the flap and top edge to create my sandwich pocket.

7.  Here is what they are SUPPOSED to look like, when one thinks things through:

I will have to try them out with my next sandwich!

Have you made these?  Are you tempted by my results?  If so, feel free to post a picture using the Linky Tool below!  I've just added a subscription, so you'll see LOTS of opportunities to add YOUR work and ideas!

Happy crafting,

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