
Monday, March 5, 2012

Pinterest... Have you checked it out?

My latest addiction (of which there have been and continue to be many...) is Pinterest.  Have you checked it out?  It's basically a visual search engine.  I am a visual person.  This is HEAVEN... or perhaps hell... I haven't decided!

All I know it's oodles and oodles of fun!

Do you need a recipe for chicken?  Search Pinterest for it.

Looking for a new crafty project?  Search Pinterest for it - the BIG problem there is that you'll find more than you can complete in a lifetime!  Two lifetimes!!

How about a good joke?  Something to make you laugh?  Search Pinterest for it.

How about viewing some lovely art?  Search Pinterest for it.

Want some ideas for remodeling your bathroom?  Bedroom? Living room? Porch? Kitchen? Search Pinterest for it.

How about just wanting to dream - aka "window shop"?  Pinterest is the perfect venue!

Could you use some great ideas, using everyday objects in a way you might not have thought of?  Search Pinterest!  Check out this example using coffee creamer containers!!  NO WAY!!

 Yup!!!  Right here!!

I am addicted.  Isn't that the first step?  Admitting you have a problem?

Here's how it works:
  1. You can search Pinterest for ideas in certain topic, like the ones listed above.
  2. Click on it and a visual treasure trove of images present themselves!
  3. Repin any you want to your own boards - which you create/name/develop.
  4. Find ideas out on the web not already pinned?  Pin them and post to your boards and viola!  Others will pick them up!  
  5. See something you like?  Click on the person who pinned it to see if they have any other ideas you'd like and the social networking piece is off and running!
The down side was that for about a week ALL I was doing was pinning idea after idea.  So.... I decided today to start my own little Pinterest Pinning Party, baby!  I'm creating some of what I find!  It puts me back on the creative track with a plethora of ideas to choose from!  I'll be starting soon, so tune in to see what endeavors come your way.

Want to join in?  Come visit my boards ... like, comment, whatever strikes your fancy and let's get creating!

Nice to be back!

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