
Friday, March 9, 2012

Mounted "Creativity" Manifesto

I ran across this wonderful manifesto about creating and thought....hmmm... how can I work this up into a project?

I started with the download from and printed it.  I was trying to print it on some heavy art paper, as my original plan was to just frame it.  Well, the paper got caught and in the process of reprinting, it sent the art paper through and printed it on regular copier paper (the price for multitasking and not realizing it was happening!).

That made it a bit light weight - so I sprayed it on to the paper I had WANTED to use and then decided to fabric "frame" it.

Let's get creating!

I like Sulky spray adhesive.  I sprayed the back of the printed paper to adhere it to the heavy weight art paper.

I selected a piece of batik for the background "frame" and then zig zag stitched the paper to the fabric.

Due to the face I couldn't get the paper to stay perfectly still, it got a bit wonky, so I trimmed off the edges to even it up.  Gotta love the rotary cutter, just saying...

Next, I sprayed a piece of cardboard for the backing with Sulky and  centered the design and fabric on it.  To be honest, there was a bit of back and forth trimming to get that one right BEFORE spraying on the adhesive!!

Then, it's the magic of Mod Podge (of which I am going to try making my own... another posting!)

Paint a bit on the straight edge and then it's time to "work" the corners!

Fold the corner IN on itself

Add a bit more Mod Podge...

And then fold the edge up.  You will create this neat and tidy little corner that looks GREAT from the other side!

I love it!  I think I may make a few more for some of the creative people in my life!  The website linked to an original manifesto about life you can see here, which I may ALSO try! 

I am also thinking I need to figure out how it was done and create a manifesto of my own!!  We shall see!

Enjoy the day and have a GREAT weekend!

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