
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Fabric Covered Wastebasket

Good morning!

As we determined yesterday, it would appear that I am better working in fabric than other mediums - not to say I won't dabble, don't worry, I will! That being said, I'm back to fabric for today's posting.

I tackled the wastebasket in the bathroom. Poor, innocent thing - it had NO idea it was about to become victim to my creative whimsy! This is actually a project I really didn't find too much of on either Pinterest OR the Internet, much to my surprise.  Am I the only person on the planet who's bathroom wastebasket ISN'T round?

This project required a bit of measuring and sketching, but in the end, I was pretty happy with the result.

For starters, you'll need to find out the size of the container.  I measured the sides (7" a the top and 5" at the bottom) and the front/back (11" at the top and 9" at the bottom and then the height (16").  Then I added 1" to each (1/2" seam for both edges).

I cut the pieces from the blue fabric you see on the container and then sewed them together creating a sort of "tube" to slip the wastebasket into.  I slipped it on to check how it fit then removed it to re-sew my seams to make it snug, creating what appeared to be yoga pants for my trash!!

Once I had the size I wanted I turned down the top edge, pressed it, folded it under, and top-stitched to make it neat and tidy.

You can see that I also did a zigzag stitch on the side seams as I currently lack a serger (sigh....).

Then came the glue!  I slipped the "sleeve" back over the container and glued the fabric to the inside edge - I guess that I obviously NEVER think this will get dirty!

Once that was done and in place, I flipped it over and trimmed the excess off (OH MY, I WAITED TO BE SURE I HAD ENOUGH?  HEAVENS....) and then did a quick spray with the adhesive underneath and viola!

The girls thought it was lovely.  Hubby said: "It's nice, but shouldn't it have deer and such to match the room?"  I was matching the floor tiles, but okay... I'll make ANOTHER ONE (muhahahaha!) and put this in my studio!!

Have a wonderful day, all!

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