
Thursday, November 3, 2011

Day... What is it now? Ah: #142

As I was looking to name this post, I realized I lost track of my initial goal, to be creative everyday and record the process.  Like a good friend, we're just picking up where we left off!

So, Day #142 is about donuts.  Actually, it's about continuing a legacy giving to me by my grandmother, mother and mother-in-law.  Donuts!  Not the kind from Dunkin', but the rib sticking, cooked in Crisco ones that you only have a couple times a year because, well, they aren't particularly good for you, but they are amazing going down!

As a matter of fact, I made them at our Harvesting History Day at the Historical Society, with the help of my wonderful daughter and her boyfriend.  We we making them ON THE SPOT, which, if you've ever had homemade donuts, is the only way to go!  Warm... soft... covered in sugar?  Brings you directly back to your childhood! 

Growing up they were a Halloween treat!  My parents weren't fans of us going out trick or treating as kids (70's, bad stuff in apples and all) so we had a family Halloween party every year.  One of the activities was trying to eat donuts on a string - always a bit of hilarity there!  Mom would make them special for that night and we'd gobble them up - along with any candy left after trick or treaters came by!  My mother-in-law used to make them in the winter as well - so we both grew up with the yummies!

We had a spot of bad weather (understatement there... 2 feet of snow in October) and we needed some comfort food in Whitt-World this weekend, so, I fired up the stove and whipped up a batch.  Of course, they were amazing!  Here they are and a recipe for you, as well! 

*NOTE: These are NOT healthy, in any way, shape or form!  Just wicked good!  :o)

  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 cup milk
  • 4 tbsp melted shortening
  • 4 cups flour
  • 4 tsp baking powder
  • 1/4 tsp cinnamon AND 1/4 tsp nutmeg
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • Shortening to cook in (I use a full container of Crisco = cheaper works, but Crisco just tastes better and they are not as greasy!)
Preheat shortening to 370 degrees.
Beat the eggs.  Then slowly add the sugar.
Once mixed, stir in milk and melted shortening.
Sift flour before measuring and resift with baking powder, spices and salt.
Mix the wet and dry ingredients.
Flour your cutting board and roll out the dough to about 1/4" (thicker the dough, thicker the donuts!).
Cut out the donuts.  (I have a vintage donut cutter from my memere.  It cuts the donut and hole at the same time.  I have also done it with a glass and an apple corer.  You can ALSO shape them by hand.)
Once the shortening is up to 370, drop donuts in one at a time.  I do 3-4 at once. ** BE CAREFUL of the hot fat...yup...even after all these years I tend to get burned...  I drop mine in by hand and turn them with a long handled wooden spoon.  I use that to remove them, as well.
When you remove them, place them on a paper bag to absorb excess shortening.
Once they cool a wee bit, you can drop them in a bag of sugar, shake and EAT!!!  Or, like my hubby, eat them right off the plate!

Create some memories with your family over donuts!  It's yummy!

Have a wonderful day,

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