
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Back in the saddle again....

Good morning, Internet friends far and wide!

My high school field hockey season has come to a close - it was a wonderful one!  We didn't get as far in the post season as we might have liked, but life is like that!  I am tying up loose ends, collecting a couple of odd uniforms, creating a slide show and then designing awards for our banquet.  I am sure I'll have a bit more to say in a week or two about that bittersweet night, but for now, suffice to say the pictures and music are already choking me up and I haven't put them together yet! 

My creative focus for the next few days will be on designing the awards (from "Lil' Miss Hustle" to "Jabberwoky") and organizing them for the banquet.  I am also working on a little something for the seniors (of which there are 9 this year - the most I've EVER had!!) which includes various pictures for each of them.  Finally, my favorite part, but the bane of my existence till it's done: the slide show!  I have hundreds of photos (from thousands we took) organized are ready to insert into the program.  Put a bit of good music with it, bring a box of tissues and viola!  Everyone loves it!! 

The process makes for a wonderful closure to a great time with a group of young ladies.  Ever work with 16 & 17 year old girls?  The are the BEST!!  What makes it even better is watching them after they leave and where they go/what they do.  It's like have oodles of daughters!!  The highs, the lows... watching them grow from shy, hesitant freshman to confident seniors?  Truly, the best!

That is why I try to make the slide show touch their hearts and help them to remember a time in their lives that is so fleeting.  That being said, guess I'd better get back to work!

Hope everyone has a wonderful, creative day!

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