
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Send a friend!

Okay folks... we hit the 100 we needed for the blog but we are stalled at about 920 for Facebook!  If each of us brings 1 friend over, we should do it!  My thought is that most of you LOVE the headers, soooooooooooo.... invite your friends to "like" our Facebook page and be sure they say that YOU sent them (IE: "Carrie sent me") and for each new friend you send YOUR name goes into a drawing for a flat rate full of headers!

The drawing will be on the day we hit 1,000!  (Unless I am out in Missouri and don't have a computer handy...)  That also means that day is the day I will draw for ALL the goodies on the blog, as well!  Directions for that will be posted as soon as we get closer!  It will be easy peasy, I promise! 

Quilty hugs,

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