
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Day #131 - "Whitty Crafters" Luggage Tag Ideas

Good morning, summer-lovin' friends!

The temps are supposed to be climbing here in NH over the next couple of days, so you'll hear us's what we do!  :o)

I thought today I would take a closer look at the luggage tags up for grabs in my Celebration Bash.  Here is a glimpse of what yours COULD look like: 

If you have been following the blog for awhile, you might remember that I made these when my youngest DD came home and asked "how much I loved her?"  That night I made up about a dozen of these for her softball team because their bat bags were all identical, and lucky for me: black.  You know, "Black goes with everything!" which meant I could make the tags any color needed!

So, here are a few ideas for you for how to use yours, if you win one!
  • Mark your bat bag to show it's different!  (Lol!)
  • Obviously, to tag your suitcase at the airport - colorful, eye catching.... works for me!
  • Attach to a backpack or lunch bag for a school event: you know how those class trips can be!  You can be sure that sandwich and snack go to the right kiddo!
  • Use as a part of a birthday or other special time's gift.  Stick a little card in the slot "Happy birthday, sweetie", tie it to the gift and it's the card that keeps on giving!
  • Speaking of giving, do what I did which was the above with $$ tucked inside as the vehicle to be sure the $$ didn't get lost (ie: I forget it???)
  • How about continuing on that vein and using it as a handcrafted way to give a gift card?  MUCH better than one of those paper envelopes!!
  • Just thought of a fun one!  Make it the end of a treasure hunt game with a "prize" tucked inside!  Leave clues throughout the house and then when they find it, inside is a pair of tickets to a movie, a note to go mini-golfing, some other fun activity!
  • Make it part of a game!  "Hide the tag" - and play like "Hot and Cold" or finding Easter eggs!  
  • Use as a way to share notes with a child.  You hang it with a note in a special place: off a lamp in their room, on a bulletin board, somewhere they'd be sure to see it!  (This brainstorming is fun!!)
Would you like to make these for yourself?  I bought the pattern off of Etsy from StudioCherie.  She has a GREAT PDF, very reasonably priced and easy to follow.  Check it out here.  Tell her Carrie/Whitt's Kits sent you!!

Okay, well, gotta head to work!
Have fun thinking of other ideas and feel free to post them!
Quilty hugs all,

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