
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day #124 - Bit of cooking and 1st try with Animoto!

Good morning, friends!

I did spend most of yesterday morning dealing with veggies and playing with recipes!  I made a broccoli-cheddar soup (one of my favorites!) and suddenly remembered WHY fresh broccoli is "interesting" to work with as the little worms floated to the surface!  I did a kale soup, and after getting everything going, realized we had used all the potatoes up with the bbq the other, just kale, tomatoes, black beans, onions and garlic!  :o) 

Then it was all about trying to preserve somethings that weren't going to last: the end of the spinach and the beet greens were blanched and frozen for, well, whatever!  I did some basil by freezing it on a cookie sheet and then slipping the frozen leaves in mini bags - 2 lessons: #1. freeze in a single layer -weird things happen if you don't and #2. the hottest day in the kitchen with the stove going IS NOT the best time to take the cookie sheet out and then bag!  LEAVE cookie sheet in freezer, reach in and pop in ziplock WHILE all still in freezer!  They thawed instantly when I didn't!

I finished by shucking some peas, chopping some garlic scapes and then sitting down to a bowl of very good broccoli soup with some of Laurie's croutons on top!  Delish!

After some cooling down, I sat down and tried a new computer thingy!  It's from a website called Animoto

Create your own video slideshow at

Take a peek! You can create 30 second videos for FREE! You select your photos, add music and viola! This is my first try - would do different music, but all in all? Not bad!

Let me know if YOU try one!

Quilty hugs,

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