
Friday, July 1, 2011

Day #111 - I want to talk to YOU!!

Good morning!
It it another GORGEOUS morning here in NH!  Finally!  Thank goodness!  Phew....  Not only is it sunny and in the 70's-low 80's, it's actually dry!  Truly gorgeous weather.

So, as the posting title indicates, I want to talk to YOU!  Yes, YOU!  I want to know about the who, what, where, why, when and how of how others create!  You might be someone who sells your items, or more likely, like so many of us, someone who creates for themselves, their family and their friends.  I want to hear from YOU!

I would like to share a glimpse into the lives of other people's creative world.  I know.... "NO ONE would want to hear about what I do..."  WRONG!!  Aren't you here right now?  Aren't you reading about the creative endeavors of another human being?  Just an average Joe-sephina?  (I am referring to myself here, people!) 

So who would like to go first, eh?  I have talked to many of you face-to-face and I find what you do fascinating!!  Come on....say "Yes..."  Puleeze?   All you need to do is let me know you are willing and then I'll send you a series of questions - answer the ones YOU WANT!!  Ignore the ones you don't and for that matter add anything that you want to share that's not on there!  It's that easy!  Wonder what I might ask?   Here is a link to my earlier blogs that have some interviews.  The first one you come to, I believe, is me!  :o)

We'd love to see something you've made - you can just email me pictures and I will post them!  Wicked simple, really!

Come on... jump in!!  Oh.... and don't be surprised if you find a message in your email box from me, folks!  Yup... I just might be out wandering and say "Hey, how about ......?"  So there!!

Quilty hugs and best wishes for a safe and happy holiday weekend to all!
Off to work,


  1. I'm interested in participating :)

  2. Awesome, Melissa! I will get some questions out to you over the weekend! THANKS!!!
