
Monday, June 13, 2011

Day #93 - We survived, had a bit too much fun and now on to slide show!

Good morning, everyone!

Yesterday's Fabric-A-Thon was a huge success and a wee bit too much fun!  I "met" some new folks and have some new friends from it!  It was pretty cool being surrounded by so much fabric (it's not usually out like that!) which REALLY makes me think I need to do something about my fabric and creative space... family agrees, but no earth-shattering ideas for how yet.  We are on it, though!

You saw the pix - it was a veritable room of color!  Lots of fabrics are on their way to new homes and ready to stir the creative juices of new friends!  Jen is going to play with Thimbleberries, Michelle (I will MAKE HER) is going to haul out her machine, Sally is going to line new bags, Joni is ALL set to finish up some quilts (and made me PROMISE to find more navy blues on my next wholesale trip!), Sylvia (who had NO idea I did this!) went home with a couple of books of ideas and Elaine has added nicely to her stash!  My Internet friends all have fabric and goodies headed out to was a wonderful day!

The crazy part was that by 8 pm it was all put away, tidied up, balloons down and dinner on the table!  :o)  I have the coolest, most supportive family in the WORLD!!  LUV YAH, guys!

Speaking of my wonderful fam, my DD is looking at colleges for the fall of 2012.  Someone sent me some info about online classes in creative fields that might be fun to try out.  Maybe mom will have to try something when the nest empties out perhaps flexible online classes?

Today was a trip to the bank (it was also a financial success... heehee!) and the post office and then moving on to my NEXT project: the CVHS Softball 2011 slide show!  I sorted (put in folders on the computer) hundreds and hundreds of pictures by category of how I would be using them - which took several hours this morning.  Now, time to select the music and start popping the pix in!  Should be fun - wish me luck!  I'll be that hunched figure at the computer for the next few days, listening to the SAME 5-6 songs, OVER and OVER again!  Lol!!
L & S stood together and realized their #'s was the year!!!

Later guys,
PS.  I AM SOOOO excited: picking up my first CSA basket of goodies today!!  Can't wait!!

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