
Friday, June 10, 2011

Day #91 - Forced relaxation

Good morning, friends!

Do you remember the ad on TV (can't recall what it was for...) but that "you can't fool Mother Nature"?  Well, you can buck her, either!

As I left work yesterday, armed and ready to get oodles of things set up for Sunday, the sky opened up, the wind blew everything everywhere, the lightening lit up the sky and I drove home very cautiously!  By the time I arrived at the homestead, the lights were out and all was dark up and down Dodge Hill Road.

One of the beauties of having a gas cook stove is that you can light it w/out power, but it's darn hard to see if the hamburger is cooking by candlelight!  We successfully made dinner and sat chatting and waiting patiently for electricity to be returned.  To no avail.

So, we pulled out the cards and set out for an evening of frivolity - need I say I WHIPPED 'UM at Rummy, baby!!  It was lots of fun. 

As 9:30 rolled around, the old folks decided it was time to head for bed.  At THAT point, the power came back on.  I DID work on setting the tables up, but I was too pooped to do much more!  That means I have an awful lot of setting up to do today and tomorrow!  Oh, did I mention I work all day and DD has a friend coming over for "movie night" in my living room, where I am TRYING to set things up?  And I would REALLY like to watch hubby and DD play mud volleyball tomorrow (how funny is that??) so we'll see how it goes!

Well, time to get ready for work - 1800's Schoolhouse group this morning!  I had just enough time this morning to bring out the flannels!  Hehe!  Here's a tidbit:
The bolts are almost all Thimbleberries Flannel and the pieces are various RJR. 

Have a wonderful day, all!
Quilty hugs,

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