
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Day #88 - Can we start over?

Good morning, everyone!

I would like to start the day over, beginning with last night..:o)  A skunk sprayed either under or near our house and the odor is TERRIBLE!  Starting somewhere around 2:30 this morning we were gasping for breath!  It's in the air!  ICKY!!

I would LOVE to show you shots of what I did yesterday, but DD took the camera with her to the Boston Aquarium today (sans the battery...which was dead and in a wall charger...) so I can't!

So, my point is, I can't SHOW you what I got done!  I  can tell you that there are 3 boxes of magazines and books (.25/magazine and $1/book) about scrapbooking and quilting, mostly.  I so wanted to impress you with my ability to let these things go!!  :o)  There is a box, a veritable rainbow, of FQ's!!  I also put some Thimbleberries sets of fabrics and patterns together!  Woot woot!

The tubs and boxes are making their way out to the living room and I'm finishing some tidying up there this afternoon.  Perhaps a nice walk will be in order, as well?  I had a bit too much fun hanging with my grandson's this morning while their mom went to work.  Gosh, but they are GREAT!!  :o)

So, wish me luck on getting the air clear here ~ there are 4 fans going, doors open and Pine-Sol in the air! 

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