
Saturday, June 25, 2011

Day #105 - Happy Anniversary to Us and a bit of stitchin'

Good morning, friends!

Once again, it's a damp morning out there!  When the sun does come out you probably won't be able to even FIND New Hampshire!  The grass and greenery will be too tall and we'll be hidden unless we are up on Mt Washington!

Hugs go out to my hubby & best buddy: Whitt!  We were married 28 years ago today!  Wow, does time fly!  I seem to remember sunshine on that day - one can only hope!  I also seem to remember locking myself out of the hotel room and having to go down on the boardwalk at Hampton and yelling up to try and get his attention...which didn't work!  So I had to go in to the desk so I could call our room and he could let me in, which made them laugh hysterically, as you might imagine.   Obviously this was BEFORE cell phones... Anyway, many more, my friend!

As I mentioned yesterday, I need a portable creative endeavor to take with me, so I decided that for this weekend I would go hand embroidery.  Here's my latest:

I am not sure if it will be part of a bag, a fabric book cover, some other goodie!  I'll show you once I decide!

Here is the project "of the summer" or at least of this weekend!

You can see part of one of the 3 panels for a black and white quilt that I picked up at Bunkhouse Quilts in Wilton.  It's called "Over the River and Through the Woods".  I wonder how it will hold up to drizzly weather?  We shall see!

Off to watch more softball!  Enjoy your day, all!


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