
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Day #102 - I WON!

Good morning, friends!

Like the calm after a hurricane, all the angst over the slide show was for not, it was well received even though the sound was a bit like a skipping record in spots... now I turn it over to Bri to fix and get out.  "My work here is finished..." at least until field hockey is over - oh wait, it hasn't even started!  :o)

The banquet was lots of fun: good food, good friends, and the end of that page in the softball chapter of our world.  Scary part?  As of about 11:30 yesterday my youngest DD became a senior in high school!  How did THAT happen????  Where did the time go?  One minute she was on my hip and the next she's grown up?  Okay, maybe not yet, but she WILL be!!  Sigh....

So, I enter drawings just like you folks do for me and I WON!!  A lovely packaged just arrived in the mail yesterday and for a minute, I couldn't figure out what it might be.  Then I opened it and found absolutely adorable pin cushions and some lovely coordinating fabric inside!  How cool is that?  I won them during the Sew Mama Sew blogger event from Mark Cesarik!

I also wanted to share some shots from Tracie's Farm today.  My veggies are lovely and yummy!  The pix do not do the wonderful farm justice, really - it's so neat and tidy! 

Well, it's off to work for me. I hope everyone has a lovely day, I plan on it!

Quilty hugs,

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