
Monday, June 20, 2011

Day #100 - Talk about "Steppin' Outside the Box" .... baby!

Good morning, everyone!

Well, the first day of my "steppin' outside the box", believing in what I do and who I am and busting through the fears starts today!  Yup...I am taking Whitt's Kits "on the road" and heading over to my first farmer's market opportunity! 

The whole thing is a weird sequence of events that you can look at and go, "oh, that's how I got here..."
  • I host Fabric-A-Thon that lots of friends can't make it to and tell me that they wished they had;
  • I start thinking that I should try it again;
  • Hubby loses job;
  • I go into "OMG" mode and then "OK... right... let's see what I can do" mode (much better mode, just sayin');
  • Go w/Mom to Wellness Center on my way to pick up CSA veggies and while I wait, wander through Fresh Chicks Farmer's Market;
  • See my friend, Laurie, with yummy bread, and we talk about fabric (I buy bread);
  • My boss/BFF says: "HEY... see about YOU going there!)
  • Yup, I am!
I want to thank all my fans, followers and friends that weighed in and helped me choose a background for my sign!  I think the black works GREAT! Here it is:

After I finished this, last night was all about deciding what I wanted to bring ~ can't haul EVERYTHING that was at the Fabric-a-Thon as I only have 2 tables!  Being selective - also, I want to have some new/different things each week so that people will want to come back!  :o)  So I have a tub of  8" - 15" x 44 for $1 each, a couple baskets of Fat Quarters,  the LAST bag in stock of scraps for $10, a tub of headers, a basket of handcrafted goodies, some patterns, pillowcase kits (with a model to show how to make the "sausage style") and yummy maple syrup!

I need to make my pricing signs, a few tags, go get $1 bills and I should be ready!  Got to remember water & my umbrella too, as I didn't get to buy a tent/canopy yet.

One last note, as hubby was heading out he stopped to peek at what I was doing this morning and asked "what was this blogging thing all about, anyway?"  So, I introduced you all to him!  :o)  "World, this is Bri.  Bri, this is my blogging family!"  He says "Hi!"  (He's a nice guy, you'll like him!  He'll be around a bit more, as things work themselves out, and he may jump in to my creative world from time to time, so I thought I'd better introduce you!) 

He's the one on the left.  The cutie on the right, that's Mick!
Well, wish me luck!  Thanks so much for all your words of encouragement!
Quilty hugs,


  1. My fabric arrived this weekend! Thank you so much! I can't wait to start sewing :)

  2. Yea!! Can't wait to hear what you do with it! Have fun!
