
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Day #78-81 - Weeee're baaack!

Good morning, all!
Wow, you don't realize how connected you are to the Internet until you don't have it for some reason!  A pole on our street got hit by lightening this weekend and we lost power for a wee bit - a matter of 3-4 hours.  No biggie.  Unfortunately, something went wonky with the phone lines as well.  But, because everyone has a different company now-a-days and some just have cell phones, the phone company told us they wouldn't be out till today as it was a holiday weekend.  ARGH!!! 

We were able to get "online" with my cell phone to check what needed to be checked and such, but WOW it really showed how much we use it!  It also showed how my eyesight is NOT what it used to be as I am trying to read information off websites on that TINY screen on my phone!  Lol...

Creatively I've been up to a few things which I can now show you because a) I have the Internet and b) I gave the gifts away yesterday!  :o)

I began with this embroidered design.  My niece is a fan of all things Celtic.  I thought this would be a good place to start.  She is also a writer, so I decided to make it into a journal.  You'll also notice I also incorporated a "journal" design from Embroidery Library as well.

Once I had the designs embroidered on the fabric, I moved on to Mod-Podge ~ goopey fun, baby!  I slathered it on the front and back pieces and then backed them with cardboard- you'll notice my high quality spreading tool on the left.  If it resembles folded cardboard to you, then your eyes are GOOD!  :o)

After that, I glued on scrapbooking paper for the endpapers and tucked both the front and back under my cutting mat for the night to dry and do so with minimal warping!  The next day I punched holes in the side, added paper and had a bit more fun by decorating pages here and there with stickers!  This first one has a scrapbooking "envelop" - perfect for a little note!

Day #3 of this creative endeavor was a coordinating little purse - one of those "sling over the shoulder with your wallet, keys and phone sort of bag." 

I sewed out a matching Celtic design on cream and found a coordinating fabric.  I went through my current re-purposing goodies to find a perfect belt to make the handle with!  It was MADE for this!  :o)  

I like using square/box corners on bags like this.

The thing to keep in mind is when you turn it inside out, match up the side and bottom seams to create an even corner. Once you match them, sew across to create the corner.

Next, inside out the main bag and insert the lining right-side out.  I wound the the strap up a bit so it wouldn't get in my way while I was sewing and pinned the whole thing together.  (Don't forget to leave an opening to pull the bag out through.... I would mention this because.....) I found my machine will sew through leather pretty well....just have to slow down a bit!

Done sewing?  Pull the lining out through the opening you've left, tuck everything together and press the edge.  I usually machine stitch at this point to keep things neat and tidy.
 Here they are!!  I like how they came out.... might have to make myself some! 

Off to enjoy the day ~ hope you all do, as well!
Quilty hugs,

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