
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Day #62 - Photo time, soggy markers & what's up for today!

Good morning, everyone!

It would appear that spring has finally sprung!  Yea! 

Yesterday was about photos at softball and trying out toddler arts & crafts.  Every sports season we are a part of (field hockey, wrestling & softball) I gather photos and create a slide show.  My "baby" (a Canon digital Rebel) has taken tens of thousands of pictures and the button is just plain tired.  It won't push down, which can be a bit of an issue in the midst of an action shot...

So, I am using Kelly's Canon Sure Shot. It's doing a good job, all things considered. It did a GREAT job of my 3 kiddos!

It's also fine for all of the "filler" shots I use, like this one:

Beggers can't be choosers!

I tried the "wet plate & marker" activity yesterday - Little man liked it, but we used paper, as I was out of paper plates!  I took his "artwork" and covered his crayon tin!  :o) 

Today, we are going to give fingerpaints a try, after a trip to the grocery store and some time at the park! 

Does anyone have any sites with fun activities for toddlers?  Say... 22 months?  PULEEZE let me know!!

I would like to mention I slept like a BABY after running around after him yesterday!  Thank goodness DD and friend are here to help!!!  YIKES!!

Have a wonderful day, all!

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