
Saturday, May 14, 2011

Congrats to Katherine from FL!!!

Due to the changes in Facebook rules, I was concerned that despite my best intentions, I might have messed up, so I took the number 19 (how many said they'd like to win the fabric) and ran it through

True Random Number Generator

Min: 1

Max: 19

Result: 14

Powered by RANDOM.ORG

#14 was Katherine from FL.  WAY TO GO!!  I just need your address and the fabrics will be on their way to you Monday!!

Thanks to all of my wonderful FB fans!!

I will be reviewing the new rules and finding out how to work with them.  My guess is that things will go through here.  There is a lot of conversation about the topic floating about FB Land and I read a very good blog piece about it on Trophy Wife's site.  Makes sense to me, but I realized my thank you to you all might be against their policy, so, am ending it tonight.

Future promotions and such will be here!

Night, all!


  1. Congrats Katharine, can't wait to see what you make!

  2. I need Katharine's address, Colleen. Do you have it? If not, could you ask her to email it to me?
    Thanks oodles,

  3. I will tell her to email you her address!!
    Your welcome,

  4. I didn't understand a thing of those rules. I was going to give away something but guess I won't now. I very seldom go to my blog anymore.

  5. I hear you, Carla! I saw somewhere today that you can do one for free (like the one I am a sponsor of, with Cranky Cat) but after that it's like $15 to FB to run it. I just didn't want to take a chance of getting slapped by FB for it. Not sure what's up with them, really! So, I will mention it there, but direct people back here when I do do them, giveaway's that is. :o)
